Jessica Justice Ramos is a singer/songwriter from Tampa, Fl. Her fans call her music "raw emotion" ...the middle American poet with a rock n roll/blues soul. She has an imperfect, loose Rolling Stones groove-served up with earnest, passionate lyrics and performance.

jude's song...copyright 2011

I Know ...copyright 2011

Julie Brown copyright tube

Brokedown Girls...copyright 2005

Josie-Friday Night Fish Fry copyright 05

Friday, April 23, 2010

March of Dimes walk 04/24/10...for my girls Jolie and Maggie!

Revving up for the March of Dimes walk tomorrow …I should have posted this a lot sooner…but I am never one for getting things done at the right time…Me and my family do this walk every year since 07 in honor and memory of our daughter Jolie(7/07/07) who was born just a few months early. She was with us for only moments but her presence here changed our lives forever. I feel it so important to not only walk for this cause but to spread the good news about March of Dimes and all the work and research that it does in order to help save the lives of all little babies born pre-mature. I feel I would do a great disservice if I did not share my experience with others in hopes of preventing them from enduring the same hardship. This walk signifies not only a powerful memory and “time marker” for me and my husband but also an incredible celebration…we have made it full term…first and foremost of coarse, due to the grace of God we were blessed with another unbelievably, beautiful baby girl who is now 18months old …but I also like to credit foundations such as the March of Dimes…who through continuous research and new discoveries…have found ways to save babies. We are again pregnant…expecting our third baby! I don’t want to leave out the fact that due to some of our own research and experience we discovered that one of the problems that I personally have while being pregnant…is lack of adequate progesterone production….especially beginning 2nd trimester…I take weekly progesterone shots starting at 16weeks and fully believe that these shots helped get my little baby Maggie here on time ….and am taking them currently for the one in the oven. I send out my deepest regret and sympathy for any mother or father who has had to experience the loss of their sweet little baby…but I also give you hope…we are an example(Maggie is an example) that …that MIRACLES do happen!!!!!!

See the link posted below if you would like to learn more about the March of Dimes …or sponsor us for the walk tomorrow…donations for this cause are greatly appreciated! Thank you for taking the time to read this as it is and always will be a cause so near and dear to our hearts. I am so thankful to God to experience the joy that having a child has brought to my life! Keep ‘em coming Lord!

for Mandi and Ian's beautiful baby girl born into this world 10/18/09

YOU TUBE -Got It All Down copyright 05

You Can Hold On...Friday Night Fish Fry...back in full effect...

you tube are my sunshine.... why is it raining

Bright Eyed Blues...FRIDAY NIGHTFISH FRY...back again....

oh boy its you -copyright 06

You Tube-we could be up all night.the fish are really biting!.I think they like all things SHINY

"hey baby" tube anniversay song...I LOVE FRANKLIN!

You Tube "In Town For the Very Last Time"....Friday Night leftovers

Friday Night Fish Fry..You Tube...presents Mother's Day Special...Angel By My Side

You Tube...Nothin To Say ©2009...from"stuck in crowded spaces"

"Friday Night Fish Fry" series...this ain't Macy Gray..."By the Hand"

Want It All - video "Friday Night Fish Fry" series


About Me

My photo
Jessica Justice Ramos is a singer/songwriter from Tampa, Fl. Her fans call her the "girl" Rolling Stone...the middle American poet with a rock n roll/blues feel. An Imperfectionist as a musician but an impassioned performer and poetic writer.